Animals, May 2023

Here are some pictures i took while on a bike trip to Gouda. Human Aquatic birds Water Human Grey Heron Mechanical Swan Sheep Cows (several different ones) Humans Water Water Ducks Humans No animals, just a dyke Humans (several different ones) Sheep Pheasant Camera: Ricoh GR (2013)…

Twitter Archive

Twitter is going so great nowadays that it has become painful to use in a browser. My feed is now crawling with suggested content and creepy ads. I am guessing that Mr. Musk doesn’t have the physical time to do all the content moderation himself… Tweetbot and other 3rd party apps are still an option, for now at least. Still, for these and other reasons, i’ve decided to deactivate my account.…

SwiftUI - Animated Updates of List Row Subviews

There are a few things to note when trying to animate specific subviews in a List’s row. I’ve created a playground app for experimenting with this, and i’ve put my learnings in this post. Components The playground app contains the following components: a “store” to hold the list’s rows the Row data type to hold text, detail, updatesCount and other values, used to populate the list a ContentView with a List, and a .…


This post is about customising the look of Terminal on macOS. A number of nice themes are included with it (I enjoy Homebrew, among others), and can be selected in Preferences (cmd + comma). I am a fan of Nova, the text editor. It offers four beautiful themes, which i wanted to make available for Terminal. Here they are: github link. Extras Colorized output for ls Run alias ls to check if an alias already exists for ls.…

Koningsdag 2022 in Utrecht

First King’s Day celebrations after the two year pandemic. Saw a few masked people; i’m thankful to them for either being extra careful, or not superspreading. What else did i see walking around in Utrecht? More than in previous years, i noticed more Orange t-shirts with a joke message on them. Like this: Saw a young lady urinating, a few meters away from the partying public, next to the canal. I have no problem with “wildplassen” aka “peeing in the wild”.…